
Webinar: Successfully interviewing for a senior position

Construction News’ Inspiring Women in Construction Webinar

9 June 2021 at 11.30 AM (GMT)

Our founder and CEO Jayne Little, will be speaking at a webinar at the upcoming Construction News’ Inspiring Women in Construction Event.

Jayne will be delivering a ‘Masterclass: Successfully interviewing for a senior position’ at 11:30 on the day and like all the previous webinars that Jayne has delivered, it is not one to be missed.

Masterclass: Successfully interviewing for a senior position

This webinar will cover sharing skills that can help you to prepare and interview for a senior role in the construction industry.

We will look at discovering how you can successfully navigate an interview and adapting to the virtual environment.

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If you would like to know more about this upcoming event, please click the link below.

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Also featuring on the day

11:45 – How can the construction industry ensure senior level recruitment is as inclusive as junior recruitment?

This webinar will be a panel discussion looking at:

• How has your organisation tried to make senior recruitment as fair as other areas of the business?

• What changes would you like to see in the industry for hiring senior management and to improve number of women at the top or organisations?

• How do we ensure the same practices used for junior recruitment are also used when recruiting for senior roles?

• What is the role of mentors in helping women have an ally and sponsor for senior opportunities?

inspiring women in construction

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Skills 4 is one of the UK’s leading Diversity and Inclusion Training Providers.
The company was established in 2006, by the current CEO Jayne Little, in response to issues identified in the government-commissioned Report, ‘Shaping a Fairer Future’.

We offer Award Winning training and bespoke interventions which deliver measurable results and enable our clients to attract, retain and progress diverse talent.

women in business champions

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