
Awards and Recommendations for our Training Programmes

Many training providers ‘talk the talk’ but few can ‘walk the walk’.

We are incredibly proud of the training services that we offer our clients globally in career development, diversity and inclusion training.

And we are even prouder of being recognised for these services with a range of awards and recommendations from multiple bodies and judging panels in the UK.

award winning career development training providers

As a business which is both female founded and owned, we offer clients a diverse supply chain as well as first-hand, extensive knowledge of how to implement effective solutions. We offer unrivalled expertise in the Construction and Engineering sectors with more than 16 years of experience working with more than 150 STEM organisations and over 10,000 delegates.

As a specialist, industry experienced training team, we can provide both traditional based training programmes as well as online training for our clients in order for them to attract, retain and progress diverse talent.


Winners at the Inspire Awards

Watch the video expanding on why we were the winner of the ‘Most Inspiring Training Programme’ at the Inspire Awards.

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