
Skills 4 Alumni


Welcome, and congratulations on completing your training with us! As one of our Alumni, you belong to a fantastic community.

We are so proud of the achievements that you have celebrated and we are thrilled to have been part of your journey.

Of course, the work does not end here, and we want you to keep up the momentum! As part of our Skills 4 Alumni, here’s what you can enjoy:

Join our webinars featuring stories from our fabulous Alumni and special guests from across our sector.

Visit our Insights pages to read our blogs about key topics in ED&I, listen to our podcasts, and read about other Skills 4 news.

Connect with us on LinkedIn or email us at

Following completion of our programmes you will have received an invite via email to our Alumni LinkedIn page. Join the group to keep in touch and hear about our upcoming webinars and other news.

Keep an eye on your inbox for our quarterly newsletter containing information about upcoming events, new blogs to read, and other updates.

Previous Events

Across the years we have hosted many events for our Alumni, all of which can be revisited as podcasts.

Upcoming Events

We’d love to hear your suggestions, so please let us know what events or topics you’d like to see by emailing us at or using the suggestions box below.

We want to hear your suggestions

Alumni Events Suggestions
Would you like to be kept informed of future Skills 4 Alumni events. *

award winning diversity training provider in the UK

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