

Read our insightful blogs on equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

How can employers be more stress aware?

April marks Stress Awareness Month, a campaign designed to make us all more aware of the causes of stress, and how we can recognise and combat these.

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Supporting Autistic Individuals in the Workplace

Recent statistics1 indicate that just 22% of autistic adults are employed. This figure suggests employers are in a good position to be able to do more to support those with autism to find and retain employment.

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

2024 The Year of the Ally: empowering people for positive change

Bystander intervention is a powerful tool as it empowers your staff to speak out against issues in the workplace including bullying or harassment. Let’s learn more about implementing it in your organisation.

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Culture Diversity: Understanding Its Impact on the Workplace

Cultural diversity in the workplace is of great benefit to any business. As a STEM specialist training provider, Skills 4 recognises the significance of fostering an inclusive work environment. Let’s explores the overarching cultural diversity in the United Kingdom and delve into how it influences workplaces.

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Tackling Stereotypes in the Workplace: Overcoming Obstacles and Embracing Diversity

In today’s diverse workforce, workplace stereotypes can be detrimental to employee morale, hinder professional growth, and perpetuate discrimination. To better understand this, we will shed light on various stereotypes across protected characteristics.

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Addressing Workplace Microaggressions: Fostering Inclusion and Equality

In today’s diverse and interconnected world, fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture is essential. However, there are various subtle forms of discrimination that can hinder progress toward a truly equitable environment.

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Unlocking Success: The Power of Professional Networking for Personal Development

In today’s competitive world, professional networking skills have become essential for personal development and career growth.

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Becoming Resilient

When we think of resilience in STEM, it’s often related to ensuring there are back-ups and fail-safes in case of an emergency or disaster situation.

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

How can the tech industry attract more women from diverse backgrounds?

How can the tech industry attract more women from diverse backgrounds, such as those from underrepresented ethnic groups or those with disabilities?

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

How to Build Relationships in Work

Building relationships with key people and expanding our relationships to people of influence is a fantastic way we can enhance our reputation and progress our careers.

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Skills 4 Founder Shortlisted for the UK’s Largest Diversity Awards

Skills 4 founder Jayne Little has been shortlisted for the Positive Role Model Award for Gender at the National Diversity Awards 2022.

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Equality vs. Equity

The theme of International Women’s Day 2023 is #EmbraceEquity, so we are exploring the difference between Equality and Equity.

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

What is Deadnaming?

People who are gender non-conforming, transgender, or nonbinary often transition to who they actually are, instead of who others label them as.

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Don’t Ignore Your Boundaries at Work

Ever worked late to get ahead on a project or not taken leave because you don’t want to let your team down? Or perhaps worked over capacity to show you were grateful for the ‘opportunity’?

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

What is Code-Switching?

The creation of genuinely accessible and welcoming spaces for diverse groups of people is the best way to reduce the psychological impact of having to self-police and code-switch.

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

The Importance of Mums in the Workplace

Being a mother equips you with skills that are key to a successful career and intrinsic to any workplace.

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Why Racism is Still a Huge Issue in the Workplace

120,000 minority ethnic background workers have quit with more than 1 in 4 workers facing racist jokes at work, resulting in 35% of them feeling less confident in work.

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Why is Inclusive Leadership Important?

Only 1 in 3 leaders have a clear view about how inclusive their leadership is, with one third believing they are more inclusive than they are perceived to be by their colleagues.

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

How can we attract, retain and progress women?

A study by Atkins showed that 57% of women drop out of engineering by the time they’re 45 compared to 17% of men.

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

THRIVE Delegate shares her highlights from Inclusion Allies module – Jo Rigby Guest Blog

THRIVE Delegate shares her highlights from Inclusion Allies module.

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

The Importance of Pronouns

Pronouns are how we refer to someone or talk about someone in the third person.

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Menopause at Work: A Guide to starting the Conversation

The menopause doesn’t stop at the door of your office when you walk in. Hot flushes, headaches, anxiety, brain fog, poor concentration, and more can strike at any time.

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

How to Recognise Burnout

With working at home being more common for us these days, it’s worth reflecting on our own health and wellbeing when we don’t have that commute to bookend our working day.

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Do you feel safe to speak up and challenge the way things are done in your company?

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Why is Allyship important?

Allyship is the practice of emphasising social justice, inclusion, and human rights in order to advance the interests of those oppressed or marginalised in society.

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

How Having a Mentor Can Help you Excel

Being mentored is a fantastic way to learn key skills and knowledge, all from a more experienced professional.

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

What is Diversity?

Companies need diversity. Diversity is more than gender or ethnicity; it’s our different abilities, our age, our origins, our sexual orientation, our faith, and our socioeconomic status.

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

A lot of us have been there, those niggling doubts, that voice in our heads that says, ‘What are you doing here? You’re way out of your league!’ Feel familiar?

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

The Stereotype affecting 60% of UK Employees

These are some of the negative stereotypes persisting about people living with obesity in work, often leading to discrimination in the workplace.

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Skills 4 Newsletter June 2021

June 2021 newsletter: Including our latest alumni event, a new team member and info on our new THRIVE career development training.

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Alumni Workshop Availability

With just 11 days to go until our next Alumni Workshop, spaces have been filling up fast but there are still a small number of spaces still available for the webinar workshop.

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

A new Alumni Workshop is coming soon

Finding Your Magic Dust & Why This Matters: A workshop for past delegates.

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Tips for Home Schooling

As a working parent, I know what a challenge it can be to strike a good balance between work and parenting at the best of times; homeschooling has taken that challenge to a whole new level!!

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update: With Covid-19 having caused so much disruption across the UK, we wanted to update our clients on what we are doing to reduce the impact caused by Coronavirus.

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

How reverse mentoring can improve an organisation’s diversity and inclusion

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Inspire Me – Leeds Workshop

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

What is a ‘Gender bias decoder’ and how can it help your business?

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Are Your Communication Skills Holding You Back?

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Free Taster session – Leading and Managing Diverse Teams – Development Course

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Women in Power Conference

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Women in Racing Mentoring and Networking Event

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Global Diversity

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Part-time Trainer – Diversity and Inclusion

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

The best of both worlds – why women only training courses can be beneficial

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Top ten perks of being a working mum

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Free Course Places

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Gender balance vital for UK Industry – Skills 4 to deliver major programme in Northern Ireland

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Better Gender Balance Makes Better Business Sense

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Performance: The ‘entry ticket’ for career progression

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Communication: consider your audience

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Do women face barriers from the outset?

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Women and Wealth: Top 5 Female Entrepreneurs

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Are Women Really ‘Equal’ to Men?

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Are our people business decisions really being made by the unconscious bias?

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Women in the Boardroom

Author: Skills 4

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Blogs from our Diversity & Inclusion Team

Women’s careers hit the glass ceiling – is it all in the mind?

Author: Skills 4

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award winning diversity and inclusion training providers in the UK
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