82% of female and 74% of male millennials1 consider diversity and inclusion when deciding which company to work for, so listening to the experience of your employees and acting on their suggestions has never been more vital.
With ED&I becoming an ever bigger focus and consideration for employees, it is vital that organisations understand their culture and employee experience. With 69%2 of job seekers choosing to avoid or not take a job with a company with a bad reputation, it is ever more important to ensure that employees are listened to and their concerns are actioned.
ED&I is a vital part of the workplace landscape and having a workplace culture where ED&I is entrenched results in positive organisational outcomes:
These statistics show that the STEM workforce is missing out an a significant untapped area of potential diverse talent. It is therefore even more important that organisations recognise the barriers to attraction, retention, and progression of existing and potential employees.
Images from Pexels – Sora Shim Azaki. Unsplash – ThisisEngineering
Header Video – Pexels – Roadnae Productions