As multiple Award-Winning STEM specialists, we support our clients to attract, retain, and progress their employees and make the most of the exceptional diverse talent within the STEM Sectors.
We recognise the challenges to retaining your talent, particularly with women and people from other under-represented groups, leading to low retention rates and loss of diverse talent.
Our programmes empower your employees to become more confident in their communication, feel more authentic, focus on their futures, and to thrive in their careers. All of which is key to creating successful, aspirational role models, enhancing your employer brand, and attracting more diverse talent to increase innovation and meet future challenges.
In addition to our sector expertise and best-practice knowledge, our Moving the Dial Survey provides an perceived organisational barriers report delving into your culture and benchmarking against other STEM companies; whilst our Unconscious Bias and Inclusion Ally workshops help create more inclusive workplaces where all employees feel psychologically safe to contribute fully.
Our award-winning programme has a proven record in levelling the playing field.
Enable your diverse talent to thrive with our Positive Action Career Development Programme.
Creating inclusive, psychologically safe workplaces where we can all bring our best self to work.
Allyship is a key factor in creating workplaces where everyone feels safe to be their authentic selves.
Level the playing field:
Empower: Career Development Programme for Women
In the modern workplace, psychological safety is as relevant as physical safety. Psychological safety refers to a work environment where employees feel safe to take risks, express their ideas, and make mistakes without fear of humiliation or punishment.
Read ArticleApril marks Stress Awareness Month, a campaign designed to make us all more aware of the causes of stress, and how we can recognise and combat these.
Read ArticleRecent statistics1 indicate that just 22% of autistic adults are employed. This figure suggests employers are in a good position to be able to do more to support those with autism to find and retain employment.
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