
Examples of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

There are some very obvious examples of sexual harassment in the workplace.

But there are also some examples that are so subtle that the culprit may not even know that they are conducting an act of sexual harassment. It forms a strong part of our ‘unconscious bias training‘ that helps to identify these kind of issues so that your workforce is a more equally balanced place that can prosper with a more positive environment, increased moral and productivity.

sexual harassment in the workplace

Some Examples of Conduct That Can Constitute Harassment Include:

  • Making sexual gestures and/or displaying sexually suggestive objects, graphical images and other print and digital imagery including crude cartoon drawings.
  • Using derogatory comments, slurs and jokes of a sexual nature.
  • Abusive comments of a sexual nature.
    Comments about an individual’s body and appearance.
  • Suggestive/Obscene notes, letters, e-mails, text messages or similar media invitations.

These may all seem like obvious definitions of sexual harassment but as we have mentioned, there are some more subtle examples that some would not even realise are sexual harassment examples.

Examples of More Subtle Sexual Harassment:

  • Physically blocking a person’s movements in the workplace.
  • Looking at their body up and down
  • Paying excessive attention to a particular individual
  • Asking about someone’s sexual orientation
  • Sharing stories about sexual experiences
  • Inappropriate and suggestive touching, kissing and/or caressing a person’s body or clothing
  • Making sexual gestures, remarks or facial expressions
  • Repeatedly asking for dates even after being rebuffed
  • Sending unwanted and suggestive letters or emails of a sexual nature

As you can see, there are examples there that far too many employees can relate to and it is why if forms such an integral part of our unconscious bias training sessions and coaching seminars.

subtle examples of sexual harassment in the workplace

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If you would like to know more about our unconscious bias training and the sexism in the workplace elements of it, please contact our helpful training team who can chat through everything and anything that you would like to know regarding our training programs.

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