
Is unconscious bias training effective?

It is understandable that with so much background noise regarding the effectiveness of unconscious bias training, that there are those in UK business who question the core benefits of it for their workforce.

Unconscious and unintentional bias is a widespread issue for businesses in the UK.  What makes the situation quite hard to deal with is that so many cases go unrecognised.  A core area of unconscious bias revolves around gender balance in the workplace but anything from language to behaviours, decisions and age can affect unconscious bias to the detriment of the company who by missing these examples, are failing to make the most of all available talent within the firm.

The purpose of unconscious bias training is to increase awareness of it’s existence with examples highlighting the impact on people who have protected characteristics. Unconscious Bias Training has become a popular option for businesses in the UK because it can help to validate experiences and open employees and managers eyes to new insights.

is unconscious bias training effective?

At Skills 4, our Unconscious Bias Training is all about highlighting the following steps:

  • Exploring what unconscious bias really is
  • The legal implications of bias in the UK workplace
  • Understanding our own individual biases
  • How diversity can make a positive difference in the workplace
  • Case studies
  • Examples
  • Effecting changes that can be made in an organisation
  • Business and individual goal setting.

Our training programme is just that – a training programme.  It is up to the businesses to action these new found skills and experiences and it is that action which fundamentally determines whether or not unconscious bias training can be effective.

Our training courses are used by some of the biggest employers in the UK and our results speak for themselves. But it is the actions of our customers AFTER the training and coaching sessions which defines whether or not they can use the information to strengthen their business, introduce new company policies and more up to date procedures that will bring better diversity and productivity to the the workplace.

We hope that this has helped you to understand the question ‘is unconscious bias training effective?’ and has helped you to answer the question for yourself.

If you would like to know more about our Unconscious Bias Training and Coaching Programme, please contact us for more information.

is unconscious bias effective training for the workforce?

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