And when it comes to anti-racism training for your workforce, doing something is definitely a step in the right direction.
After the traumatic and devastating incidents in 2020 (and so many similar incidents in the years prior), the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag and movement is finally making business not just in the UK, but across the globe do something about racism in the workplace.
The tragic events that involved Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd (to mention just a small few) is sadly not new and the need to deal with it has always been a necessity. And while it has taken some high profile and violent acts for businesses to begin enquiring about anti-racism training, the surge in interest in this form of training is a good thing.
Racial injustice, unconscious bias and inequalities in the workplace are a common occurrence in UK workplaces. To address racism in the workplace, staff training and a commitment to planned action are required to help businesses to end systemic racism and racial inequalities in the workplace.
If your business has a recognised issue with racism in the workplace or its hiring policy then workshop training can help work through the issues to improve the situation.
Anti Racism Training can help to raise awareness of the issue and address unconscious racist comments that some in the workplace can make without even knowing it. As a leader in your business, by leading by example and taking an anti-racism training course, you will demonstrate disapproval for discriminatory treatment whilst setting a behavioural tone for employees to follow.
At Skills 4 Training, we provide a tailored ‘INCLUDE’ training package that is designed to address Unconscious Bias and Conscious Inclusion in the workplace including racism. We firmly believe that in order to change behaviours, we must first change minds and heart.
This way we can help to tackle racism in the workplace as well as sexism, ageism and many other bias that can affect workplace morale, performance and results.
We look at conscious inclusion, allyship and micro aggressions and how to tackle them.
Our INCLUDE: Unconscious Bias and Conscious Inclusion training can also be delivered as an online training programme for businesses looking to tackle diversity issues with global offices and staff in multiple locations.
Online Unconscious Bias and Conscious Inclusion Training